Singing with Strings in Assembly
My Guru for this is Vivek Ramachand
MOVSB - To move a byte (8 bits)
MOVSW - To move a word (16 bits)
MOVSL - To move double word (32 bits)
The implied thing is Source is always where ESI points to in memory and Destination is always where EDI points in memory.
This flag decides to i++ or i-- ESI, EDI after a MOVSx instruction
If DF is set ie 1, ESI and EDI are i--
If DF is clear ie 0, ESI & EDI are i++
We can set DF using the STD instruction
We can clear DF with the CLD instruction
It is used to repeat a string instruction till ECX has a value > 0
* Load ECX with str length
* Use REP MOVSx to copy string from src to dst
Loads into the EAX register, source is pointed by ESI
LODSB - Load a byte from memory location into AL
LODSW - Load a word from memory into AX
LODSL - Load a double word from memory into EAX
ESI is automatically i++ or i-- based on DF after LODSx instruction executes
Loads into Memory, source pointed by the EAX register
STOSB - store AL to memory
STOSW - store AX to memory
STOSL - store EAX to memory
EDI is i++ ori-- based on DF after STOSx instruction executes
Comparing Strings, ESI contains src string & EDI contains dst string
CMPSB - compares byte value
CMPSW - compares word value
CMPSL - compares double word value
EDI is i++ ori-- based on DF after STOSx instruction executes
REPNZ - repeat instruction if zero flag is not set
.ascii "Hello World of Assembly!"
.asciz "H3ll0"
.lcomm Destination, 100
.lcomm DestinationUsingRep, 100
.lcomm DestinationUsingStos, 100
.globl _start
#1. Simple copying using movsb, movsw, movsl
movl $HelloEarthStr, %esi
movl $Destination, %edi
#2. Setting / Clearing the DF flag
std # set the DF flag
cld # clear the DF flag
#3. Using Rep
movl $HelloEarthStr, %esi
movl $DestinationUsingRep, %edi
movl $25, %ecx # Set the string length in ECX
cld # clear the DF
rep movsb
#4. Loading strings from memory into EAX register
# leal - Load Effective Address into Double Work L
leal HelloEarthstr, %esi
movb $0, %al
dec %esi
movw $0, %ax
subl $2, %esi # Make ESI point back to the original string
#5. Storing strings from EAX to memory
leal DestinationUsingStos, %edi
#6. Comparing Strings
leal HelloWorldString, %esi
leal H3ll0, %edi
dec %esi
dec %edi
subl $2, %esi
subl $2, %edi
# The exit() routine called
movl $1, %eax
movl $10, %ebx
int $0x80
My Guru for this is Vivek Ramachand
About MOVSx
We can use MOVSx to move Strings from one memory location to the otherMOVSB - To move a byte (8 bits)
MOVSW - To move a word (16 bits)
MOVSL - To move double word (32 bits)
The implied thing is Source is always where ESI points to in memory and Destination is always where EDI points in memory.
The Direction Flag (DF Flag)
The DF flag is part of the EFLAGS registersThis flag decides to i++ or i-- ESI, EDI after a MOVSx instruction
If DF is set ie 1, ESI and EDI are i--
If DF is clear ie 0, ESI & EDI are i++
We can set DF using the STD instruction
We can clear DF with the CLD instruction
The REP instruction
It is used to repeat a string instruction till ECX has a value > 0
* Load ECX with str length
* Use REP MOVSx to copy string from src to dst
Load Str from Memory into Registers
Loads into the EAX register, source is pointed by ESI
LODSB - Load a byte from memory location into AL
LODSW - Load a word from memory into AX
LODSL - Load a double word from memory into EAX
ESI is automatically i++ or i-- based on DF after LODSx instruction executes
Storing Str from Registers into Memory
Loads into Memory, source pointed by the EAX register
STOSB - store AL to memory
STOSW - store AX to memory
STOSL - store EAX to memory
EDI is i++ ori-- based on DF after STOSx instruction executes
Comparing Strings
Comparing Strings, ESI contains src string & EDI contains dst string
CMPSB - compares byte value
CMPSW - compares word value
CMPSL - compares double word value
EDI is i++ ori-- based on DF after STOSx instruction executes
REPZ - repeat instruction if zero flag is setREPNZ - repeat instruction if zero flag is not set
Program Starts here
.ascii "Hello World of Assembly!"
.asciz "H3ll0"
.lcomm Destination, 100
.lcomm DestinationUsingRep, 100
.lcomm DestinationUsingStos, 100
.globl _start
#1. Simple copying using movsb, movsw, movsl
movl $HelloEarthStr, %esi
movl $Destination, %edi
#2. Setting / Clearing the DF flag
std # set the DF flag
cld # clear the DF flag
#3. Using Rep
movl $HelloEarthStr, %esi
movl $DestinationUsingRep, %edi
movl $25, %ecx # Set the string length in ECX
cld # clear the DF
rep movsb
#4. Loading strings from memory into EAX register
# leal - Load Effective Address into Double Work L
leal HelloEarthstr, %esi
movb $0, %al
dec %esi
movw $0, %ax
subl $2, %esi # Make ESI point back to the original string
#5. Storing strings from EAX to memory
leal DestinationUsingStos, %edi
#6. Comparing Strings
leal HelloWorldString, %esi
leal H3ll0, %edi
dec %esi
dec %edi
subl $2, %esi
subl $2, %edi
# The exit() routine called
movl $1, %eax
movl $10, %ebx
int $0x80
This blog is really informative i really had fun reading it.