Wednesday, September 21, 2011

#Author: Balasubramaniam Natarajan
#Date: 21-Sep-2011
#Purpose: lists

nlist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
print "The value of nlist is", nlist
print "The reversed value of nlist is", nlist
print "The re-reversed value of nlist is", nlist

nlist2 = [8,9,10]
print "The value of nlist2 is: ", nlist2

print "The value of nlist.append(nlist2) is: ", nlist

print "The first value in nlist is: ", nlist[0]
print "The second value in nlist is: ", nlist[1]
print "The third value in nlist is: ", nlist[2]
print "The eight value in nlist is: ", nlist[7]
print "The eight value in nlist separately is: ", nlist[7][0]
print "The nineth value in nlist separately is: ", nlist[7][1]

#POP will behave similar to STACK Last In First Out
print "We poped out the last value of nlist", nlist

print "We'v incorporated nlist2 elements in nlist", nlist
print "The eight value in nlist is: ", nlist[7]

print "We poped out the last value of nlist", nlist

#To get First In First Out we need to specify the number.
print "We poped out the first value of nlist", nlist

#To insert value in the nlist
print "We populate the first value of nlist", nlist


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