I don't think there is an outright method in wireshark to do it. However you can set you TZ to some other value as described in this link http://seclists.org/wireshark/2011/Oct/402
Get the list of TZ from here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
Now start wireshark like so to start displaying Time in EST. Note this works in GNU/Linux OS. Not sure about other OS.
$ TZ='America/New_York' wireshark &
I don't think there is an outright method in wireshark to do it. However you can set you TZ to some other value as described in this link http://seclists.org/wireshark/2011/Oct/402
Get the list of TZ from here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
Now start wireshark like so to start displaying Time in EST. Note this works in GNU/Linux OS. Not sure about other OS.
$ TZ='America/New_York' wireshark &