Sunday, April 21, 2013

View Unbilled usage in Airtel Internet

Log on to this website

After logging in you need to select you internet account, first click on "My account" > Then drop down > Then select you DSL connection.

Now select on my account

On scrolling down we can see the unbilled usage.  If we need detailed usage, we can still click on "Click here"

Friday, April 19, 2013

Startup script for gnome-terminal

Open up the start up script here over GUI here.


In that click on ADD and then

1. Give the startup script some name.
2. Give the command as shown

gnome-terminal -x /bin/bash -c "ls"

3. Give what ever comment you want to give and save it.

Next time you login with you credential, a gnome-terminal will pop out of nowhere and it will list all the files.  You can replace the list command with what ever script you want :-D

One more thing I did see the shell which gets spawned getting closed automatically,  In order to prevent that we need to exec bash as shown. Ref(

$ gnome-terminal -e "bash -c \"echo foo; echo bar; exec bash\""

We can also start many sessions in multiple windows with the following command

gnome-terminal --tab --title="Listing" -e "bash -c \"ls; exec bash\"" --tab --title="cat example.txt" -e "bash -c \"cat example.txt; exec bash\""

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Chennai Property Tax

One of my acquaintance wanted to pay property tax online hence approached me for help thinking I can help, well what do you know after a bit of google search I was able to come up with this :-)

With this link you can enter old data get new

Zone Number:
Ward Number:
Bill No:
Sub No:

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Get page numbers of PDF files

This small script would list all PDF files in a folder along with the number of pages in each one of them. is nothing by the pdfid python script.

for f in *.pdf
    #echo $f
    pagenumber=`/usr/bin/ "$f" | grep "Page" | cut -de -f2`
    echo "$f    $pagenumber"

1.pdf                 5
2.pdf                 6
3.pdf                 7
4.pdf                 8