Sunday, September 9, 2012

Recover Ubuntu from initramfs

Today I powered up my Ubuntu 10.04 on my VM and all of a sudden it complained that it cannot load my OS and gave me (initramfs) prompt and I started searching on the net regarding the same, Many said that the grub may be at fault or the Grub does not know where to look for to mount the Root of the file system from.

I attached a LiveCD to my VM and went into try Ubuntu and once that opened I opened up GParted to see if the partitions are still in there.  I tried to mount the harddisk locally by clicking on Places and the harddisk.   It got mounted normally.  Then I rebooted the system and remove the Live CD in the process.  The VM eventually came back telling that there were some orfan inodes which if needed I can press "F" to fix I did that and the system rebooted once again and my Ubuntu on VM started working :-D  I know every situation may not be as lucky as this.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Updating Flash on Ubuntu 10.04

On one of my machine I had Ubuntu 10.04 which got its Firefox upgraded to 15, so from then on when ever I opened Firefox it would connect to Mozilla's website to check if all the plugin are upto date and it kept complaining that Flash is out of date. It also gave me a small button next to it to fix the issue.  So I clicked it and downloaded the tar.gz file, extracted it.

Then move the old to old.

# mv /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so_old

Then copy the from the extracted tar.gz file to the location.

# cp -rvf /home//Downloads/software/Adobe\ Flash/install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

Restart the browser, The plugin check should not complain once again.  Then go ahead and remove the old libflashplayer.so_old file.

# rm /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so_old